February 22, 2007

The 911 for Our Fire Departments

It takes a special person to undergo the extensive training and practice, maintain equipment, take time for fundraising, sustain a Family Life, work at a Job, and who, but those in these departments, know what other duties await them, as well as being in Ready Status 24/7 to risk their lives incase of an emergency.

What kind of interest can we expect for Generation-X when it’s their turn to volunteer? Since we can’t afford a paid Fire Department, much less Six of them, Galloway West has come up with some suggestions that have been sent to us by the public.
Tax Relief: One submission was Property Tax Relief for FD Volunteers. The Federal Government provides tax relief for our troops in combat zones overseas. (see below)
More Interest in the Budget:
Budget more money for building maintenance, additions and renovations, utilities and other necessities to take the pressure off fundraising.
Community Help:
Sometimes the best way to raise money is an event that brings people in from outside the community. Having individuals and organizations create and maintain activities and festivals, to take the pressure off our Volunteer Firemen to raise money, is more helpful than just giving a donation. Besides, it’s activities like these that bring a community closer.
If You Can’t Volunteer, Volunteer:
Go to your local Fire Department and see if there isn’t anything you can do for them, like sweep the floor, clean the equipment, take out the trash, what ever jobs that can help them focus on the job of saving lives.