September 18, 2008

Can You Stand The Heat?

The one of the greatest forms of volunteerism in this country is our volunteer firemen and women. It’s more than the hours devoted to training, equipment upkeep and their 24/7 vigil over our community. It’s the commitment to the death, in the desire to serve and protection. However this is an Honor only meant for a Special Few. If you feel you have the desire, courage and determination to be a volunteer firefighter go to this web site.

September 15, 2008

The Pomona Fire Department

We reported as far back as April 15th 2007:
At first glance the Pomona Fire Department is hardly noticeable and yet it is a vital link to the health and security of our residents. The department was established in 1926 and in appreciation for its 81 years of dedicated service, Galloway West believes the current building accommodating the department is long overdue for retirement and a well deserved new complex be constructed for its loyal volunteers and the community.

August 8, 2008

The NEW Pomana Fire Department

Galloway West is proud to present a preview of the New Pomona Fire Station.

The new location is just down the White Horse Pike between Dante Ave. and Donna Dr
and as you can see is a nice looking station.

There seems to be a good sized parking lot for members and events. We’re not sure why, but there is no front exit to the White Horse Pike for emergency vehicles only the two side streets.

The target date for opening is October,
The Best of Luck
Pomona Fire Fighters!

February 27, 2007

Our Fire Departments

The following is directly copied off the Galloway Township Fire Department Web Site. in Feburary 2007

Donations & Fund Raising:

"While it is true that each of the five individual fire companies receive annual stipends from the Township of Galloway, it is in no way near enough to fully fund the day to day operation of the these companies.
“To make up for this, each company conducts their own fundraising activities. That's right, even in this day and age when people have very little time, the members of YOUR local fire department give up more of their free time to conduct various fundraisers.
Please participate in the various fire company fund raising activities.
Each year, each of the five Fire Companies in Galloway Township, conduct their annual fund drives as well as other fund raising activities. Monies collected from the drives/activities go directly to fire education, prevention, and suppression efforts.
Those who reside, work, visit, and attend school in Galloway Township should know the following:
- The Township of Galloway (taxpayers) did not purchase the land on which each of the six fire stations are built.
- The Township of Galloway (taxpayers) did not pay to construct any of the six fire stations.
- The Township of Galloway (taxpayers) do not pay for maintenance of, or the repairs or improvements to, the six fire stations.
- The Fire Companies themselves are responsible for paying for the station utilities."

At the bottom of thepage says Galloway Fire Department web sites we visited it says,
“ The company is 100% volunteer, non-profit, and is on call 24/7/365. Our members are ALL NONPAID PROFESSIONALS and certified by the State of New Jersey. We do not receive any money for the many hours of serving you.”

February 25, 2007

What Is LOSAP?

In this last election the voters had the opportunity through Municipal Question No. 1 to, “increase the annual contribution for an active volunteer to $900” to LOSAP (Length Of Service Award Program)
According to county records the Vote was, Yes...4,156 - No...2,565

Simply put LOSAP is a pension-like plan intended to help recruit and retain volunteers. LOSAPs are similar to pension plans in which volunteers are paid cash service awards at the entitlement age.
If you want to know more about the LOSAP in New Jersey go to,

At a future date we will acquire more information on what this actually means for the Firefighters in Our Community.

February 22, 2007

The 911 for Our Fire Departments

It takes a special person to undergo the extensive training and practice, maintain equipment, take time for fundraising, sustain a Family Life, work at a Job, and who, but those in these departments, know what other duties await them, as well as being in Ready Status 24/7 to risk their lives incase of an emergency.

What kind of interest can we expect for Generation-X when it’s their turn to volunteer? Since we can’t afford a paid Fire Department, much less Six of them, Galloway West has come up with some suggestions that have been sent to us by the public.
Tax Relief: One submission was Property Tax Relief for FD Volunteers. The Federal Government provides tax relief for our troops in combat zones overseas. (see below)
More Interest in the Budget:
Budget more money for building maintenance, additions and renovations, utilities and other necessities to take the pressure off fundraising.
Community Help:
Sometimes the best way to raise money is an event that brings people in from outside the community. Having individuals and organizations create and maintain activities and festivals, to take the pressure off our Volunteer Firemen to raise money, is more helpful than just giving a donation. Besides, it’s activities like these that bring a community closer.
If You Can’t Volunteer, Volunteer:
Go to your local Fire Department and see if there isn’t anything you can do for them, like sweep the floor, clean the equipment, take out the trash, what ever jobs that can help them focus on the job of saving lives.

January 23, 2007

The Fire Fighters Web Connection

Obtaining funding for our Volunteer Fire Departments is an Importent part of the business of Fire Prevention. As of May 11, 2007 Galloway Township received $11,700 for fire prevention (see what others in the state have gotten) from the Assistance to Firefighters Grants (AFG) and FEMA. Which isn’t much for the amount of money needed to equip and maintain Five Volunteer Fire Departments. Would the approximate $5 million the Mayor and Council has passed for recreation be more effectively used by our Volunteer Fire Fighters future to Protect the Safety of the Community?
Here are some Web Sites for Fire Fighters, as well as to help the Public better understand the role of the Fire Departments in our Community.
NJ Bureau of Fire Department Services
New Jersey Fire Departments & New Jersey Fire Company's Websites
New Jersey Fire Fighters
Fire Fighters On Line
FireHouse.comThe National Volunteer Fire Council (NVFC
Federal Fact Sheet for NVFP
NFPA (National Fire Protection Association)
Rural Fire Department Resources for Local Officials(USDA)
What Information and Funding Resources are Available for Rural Fire Departments?

January 10, 2007

A Question of Government

2006 - 2007
1. N.J.S.40A:14-34is amended to read as follows:
40A:14-34. The governing body of any municipality may raise and appropriate funds to be granted to the boards of fire commissioners of any fire district or volunteer fire companies located therein, up to a total annual appropriation of [$90,000.00 annually] $120,000, which shall be adjusted biennially for inflation by the Director of the Division of Local Government Services in accordance with the cost-of-living adjustment promulgated pursuant to section 4 of P.L.1983, c.49 (C.40A:4-45.1a). In any municipality in which there are more than three such boards or companies, or both, the governing body may raise and appropriate an additional $30,000.00 annually for each such additional board or company. Any such board or company shall use not less than 50% of the funds received pursuant to this section for the purchase of fire equipment, materials and supplies. All funds appropriated under this section shall be accounted for to the governing body annually.

A1404 Allows certain volunteer firefighters, rescue and first aid squad members to claim $500 income tax deduction.

January 8, 2007

Galloway West Willing to Help.

As of November 23rd 2007, the Galloway Township Fire Department Web Site expired, on the site it said, “This Domain name has expired. Find out how to renew it today.”
Clicking on that statement
Dotster, the domain Registrar states.
“This domain has expired It will be deleted in the next few days. If you are the owner of this domain, you still have a chance to renew it.
Domain Name:
Expires: 23-NOV-07

Unable to contact the Fire Marshal, Galloway West contacted Dotster by email and asked to pay for the web site The reply was, Press the renew button and go through the online renewal process. Be aware that renewing the domain will not transfer ownership of the domain to you or give you any additional access to the domain.”
The Conformation email said, “Thank you for your recent order. This email is to confirm the following products have been ordered and are in process. Once the order is successful, you will receive an invoice detailing the products and services you have received:
Type Qty Description

Invoice, products and services will go to the original web owner.
More About Dotster, Inc.

This is what Galloway West is all about,
Citizens and Government
Working Together

November 6, 2006

Back to Police Fire Rescue